In these courses, you will meet fully through live video (usually on Zoom).
These courses do not use text-based course software.
Upcoming Courses
February Courses
Get Your Book Noticed: Writing Loglines That Sell
with Jeff Lyons
Your logline helps you query agents, market your book, and figure out the story itself. Hone your logline and set your book up for success in this Zoom workshop.
Creative Nonfiction, Fiction, Memoir, Novel, Personal Essay, Short Story, Stage and Broadcast
March Courses
Writing with Consistency and Courage
with Tamara Dean
What makes a successful writer? It's not talent, craft, or even the right connections—it's consistency and courage.
Creative Nonfiction, Fiction, Lifestyle and Wellness, Live Workshop, Memoir, Novel, Personal Essay, Poetry, Short Story
Show and Tell: How to Write Captivating Memoir and Nonfiction
with Brad Wetzler
Your true story of healing or transformation can captivate and empower your readers. Learn how to balance showing the vivid details of your own journey with telling the broader themes for readers to apply in their own lives.
Creative Nonfiction, Lifestyle and Wellness, Memoir, Personal Essay
April Courses
The Only Submission Workshop You Will Ever Need
with Meghan Sterling
How do you get your poems in literary journals? This two part webinar shows you the ropes for getting your work published, read, and celebrated.
Writing the Memoir-in-Essays
with Margo Steines
Learn how to tell your story through the memoir-in-essays, a form that allows writers to interweave the facts of their lives in interesting and evocative ways.
Poems of All Sizes: Haiku, Tanka, and Japanese Poetic Forms
with Miho Kinnas
Explore the history and poetics of Japanese poetry forms, and write haiku, tanka, renga, haiga, and linked verse poetry.
Unscheduled Courses
(Live Workshop) Dream Writing
with Zining Mok
How can writers harness the power of dreams? Let your slumber supercharge your creativity in this three hour dream writing workshop.
(Live Workshop) Haiku & Senryu: Rekindling A Sense of Wonder
with Marc Olmsted
Haiku, Senryu, and other Japanese poetry forms encourage us to slow down and write mindfully. Learn how to write these forms in this meditative writing workshop.
(Live Workshop) Intro to Screenwriting
with Susan Pohlman
In this workshop, you'll learn the ropes of screenwriting and create living pieces of collaborative storytelling.
(Live Workshop) Revising the Novel: Take Your First Draft to the Next Level
with Donna Levin
Ready to start revising your novel? Get rolling in this in-depth webinar.
(Live Workshop) The Art of Love Stories: A Flash Fiction Workshop
with Zining Mok
How do you distill love into 1,500 words or less? Zining Mok explains in this love stories flash fiction workshop.
(Live Workshop) Writing Beginnings and Endings
with Sarah Aronson
How do you write a story that's compelling to start and satisfying to finish? Sarah Aronson explains in this comprehensive one-day workshop.
Creative Nonfiction, Fiction, Live Workshop, Memoir, Novel, Personal Essay, Short Story
(Live Workshop) Writing from a Strong Sense of Place: A Generative Workshop
with Jacquelyn Stolos
Develop powerful and realistic settings in this generative three-hour workshop, with Jacquelyn Stolos.
Fiction, Live Workshop, Novel, Short Story, Stage and Broadcast
Character is the Key: Unlock Your Best Stories
with Jessie Roy
If you want to tell a good story, you need to write good characters. Learn how to unlock your best stories in this one-day character development workshop.
Comics for People Who Can’t Draw!: The One-Day Workshop
with Aubrey Hirsch
Comic strip artists rely much more on creativity than on artistic skill. In this workshop, you'll learn all the tools you need to make fun and engaging comic strips—even if your drawing level is "stick figures."
Craft Your Story: Short Fiction and Memoir Live Workshops
with Margo Perin
Get tailored advice and inspiration for your fiction or nonfiction stories, in this weekly live workshop with award-winning instructor Margo Perin.
Drawing Poems: the Art of Visual Poetry
with Zining Mok
By melding poetry with design, visual poets can create multidimensional works of art and literature. Explore the craft in this visual poetry workshop.
Filling the Blank Page: How to Move through Creative Blocks
with Shelby Hinte
Discover proven techniques to get writing! Find the root causes of mental blocks, and learn practical tools to lead a consistently creative life.
Creative Nonfiction, Fiction, Lifestyle and Wellness, Live Workshop, Poetry
Finding Confidence and Motivation in Your Writing
with Sarah Aronson
Liberate yourself from imposter syndrome and the inner critic, and discover confidence in every stage of the writing process.
Creative Nonfiction, Fiction, Lifestyle and Wellness, Live Workshop, Memoir, Novel, Personal Essay, Short Story
Finding Wildness and Freedom in Poetry
with Moriel Rothman-Zecher
Find a greater sense of comfort, ease, lightheartedness, and freedom in reading and writing poetry.
Get Back Into Writing
with Amanda Oliver
Learn how to pick your writing back up—and stick with it.
Creative Nonfiction, Fiction, Lifestyle and Wellness, Live Workshop, Memoir, Novel, Personal Essay, Poetry, Short Story
Get Back to That Book
with Donna Levin
For any number of reasons, the book we want to write gets waylaid. Get back to it in this motivational two part workshop.
Creative Nonfiction, Fiction, Lifestyle and Wellness, Memoir, Novel
Get Clear on Your Story and Voice
with Nadia Colburn
What is your story about? What is your voice? Whether you write poetry, fiction, or nonfiction, hone your writing in this 3 hour workshop.
Creative Nonfiction, Fiction, Lifestyle and Wellness, Live Workshop, Memoir, Novel, Personal Essay, Poetry, Short Story
Get It Done: Create the Scaffolding to Start (and Finish) a Writing Project
with Eman Quotah
Get your butt in the chair, your mind roaming freely, and your creative juices flowing in this motivational, all-genres writing class.
Creative Nonfiction, Fiction, Lifestyle and Wellness, Live Workshop, Memoir, Novel, Personal Essay, Poetry, Short Story, Stage and Broadcast
Get That Novel Started: A Two-Week Writing Workshop
with Donna Levin
Take the plunge! Put your ideas to paper, write and share the opening pages of your novel, and create a plan for writing a full first draft.
Graphic Novel Writing Bootcamp
with Cristian Aluas
Put pen to graphing paper in this workshop on crafting the graphic novel. By the end of the Zoom call, you'll have an 8 page graphic short story that's ready to illustrate.
How to Pitch
with Rachel Krantz
Learn the ins and outs of pitching your work to print and online publications from Rachel Krantz, a full-time writer and formerly the Senior Feature Editor at Bustle.
How To Start A Blog, Grow An Audience & Make Money
with Jessica Festa
When planned right, a blog allows you to share your passion and make money in the process. Learn how to start a blog in this one-day webinar.
Creative Nonfiction, Lifestyle and Wellness, Live Workshop, Personal Essay
How to Start a Podcast
with Cara Stevens
Share your voice with the world! Learn everything you need to plan, record, and share your first podcast episode and beyond.
Creative Nonfiction, Fiction, Lifestyle and Wellness, Live Workshop, Memoir, Novel, Personal Essay, Poetry, Short Story, Stage and Broadcast
Iconoclast: Reimagining the Line Break
with Shankar Narayan
Poets can express so much in just a line break. Hone this tool of the poetic craft in this two part Zoom workshop.
Make Your Prose Sing
with Leslie Lawrence
Enrich your prose with techniques from poetry. Bring paper and pens; leave with a better ear and lots of ideas about how to make your prose sing.
Creative Nonfiction, Fiction, Live Workshop, Memoir, Novel, Personal Essay, Short Story
Move Your Writing Forward: The Art of the Bullet Journal
with Rudri Patel
Want to have a productive new year? Set up your bullet journal in this one day live workshop.
Poetry and Performance: Slam Poetry 101
with Ollie Schminkey
In these workshops, master the elements of poetry and performance, and learn to take your poems from the page to the stage.
Poetry as Sacred Attention
with Nadia Colburn
Poetry asks us to slow down, listen, and pay attention. In this meditative workshop, we'll open ourselves to the beauty and mystery of poetry.
Scene Study: Strengthen Your Writing with Compelling Scenes
with Susan Pohlman
Great stories are constructed with great scenes. Immerse your reader in your stories by learning the ropes of scene development.
Creative Nonfiction, Fiction, Memoir, Novel, Personal Essay, Short Story, Stage and Broadcast
Techwashed!: Writing with AI, Data, and Surveillance
with Shankar Narayan
Raise a mirror against society's relationship to technology in this two part workshop series where we will learn how to write about tech.
Creative Nonfiction, Fiction, Live Workshop, Memoir, Novel, Personal Essay, Poetry, Short Story
Teen Writers’ Workshop: Discover the Writer You Want to Be
with Cara Stevens
Give your teens the power of writing and community in this two part workshop, where teen writers will learn the skills to become professional authors.
Ten Steps to Creating Interesting, In-Depth Characters
with Sarah Aronson
How do you write about people convincingly? Empower your character development in this workshop filled with exercises and character discussion.
The Surprising Sentence: Honing Your Prose Style
with Jessie Roy
Great sentences stack up into great stories. Learn how to hone your style and voice at the most basic unit of writing, the sentence, in this workshop.
Creative Nonfiction, Fiction, Live Workshop, Memoir, Novel, Personal Essay, Poetry, Short Story
Turn Up the Heat: How to Write Good Sex
with Jeanne De Vita
How do you write sex scenes that are both erotic and realistic? Make your reader's heart race in this webinar on writing good sex.
Twoness Poems
with E. Ethelbert Miller, Miho Kinnas
Twoness poems are poems written collaboratively with another poet. Learn something new about yourself, your writing partner, and poetry in this collaborative Valentine's Day workshop.
Using Your Poetry Skills to Write Memoir
with Freesia McKee
How do poets tell their stories in prose? Take the leap from poetry to memoir in this hybrid writing workshop.
Writing for Kids: Entering the World of Children’s Literature
with Amanda Hosch
Learn the fundamentals of writing for children in this one day workshop, and write the kinds of stories that kids simply can't put down.
Writing Magical Fiction
with Amy Bonnaffons
In this workshop series, you won't just write using magic in fiction—you'll harness the magic that only fiction can make.
Writing Poetry About Family Histories
with Freesia McKee
To write about our families means reconciling past and present, our origins and our futures. Put these contradictions to verse in this two part webinar.
Writing Spontaneously: How to Let Your Stories Surprise You
with Jessie Roy
Some of the best stories don't follow a specific plot structure; they develop organically. Learn how to hone spontaneity in your fiction writing and come away surprised by your work.
Writing the Body: A Nonfiction Craft Seminar
with Margo Steines
The weird and wild body is a rich site of exploration in creative nonfiction. Explore the questions, stories, and lessons your body holds in this seminar with Margo Steines.
You Are Drinker and You Are Wine: Writing with the South Asian Sufis
with Shankar Narayan
Through the traditions of Sufi poetry, learn how to write poems that access the divine and stand the test of time.
You Yourself Are the Beloved: Writing with South Asian Ghazals
with Shankar Narayan
The ghazal poem has a rich history with a tricky form to master. Learn the ropes in this inspiring and electrifying workshop.