Online Lifestyle and Wellness Writing Courses
Writing can be deeply healing and therapeutic, a venue for personal growth, a way into deeper interpersonal relationships, and so much more. In our online lifestyle and wellness writing classes, we explore the many intersections between writing and our lives.
Our instructors are published writers who are also deeply committed to supporting your growth in, and through, writing. Find the online lifestyle and wellness class for you today!

Upcoming Online Lifestyle and Wellness Writing Courses
February Courses
The Deep Dive: Poem As Self-Discovery
with Meghan Sterling
Through poetry, we can access our deepest truths. Use the poem as a roadmap to self-discovery in this 6-week poetic deep-dive.
It Starts with Play: Get (Back) into Writing
with Janée Baugher
Harness the joy of creativity in this inspiration-focused class, where we'll uncover new ideas for writing projects and draft loads of new material.
Creative Nonfiction, Fiction, Lifestyle and Wellness, Memoir, Novel, Personal Essay, Poetry, Short Story, Stage and Broadcast
The Healing Power of Poetry
with Joy Roulier Sawyer
Poetry heals. Journey alongside several poets whose works resonate with a variety of healing themes, and learn how to use craft elements as healing tools.
March Courses
These Fragments: From Journal Pages to Personal Essays
with Rudri Patel
Learn to harvest the raw creativity of journaling into inspired, publication-worthy personal essays.
Creative Nonfiction, Lifestyle and Wellness, Memoir, Personal Essay
Writing with Consistency and Courage
with Tamara Dean
What makes a successful writer? It's not talent, craft, or even the right connections—it's consistency and courage.
Creative Nonfiction, Fiction, Lifestyle and Wellness, Live Workshop, Memoir, Novel, Personal Essay, Poetry, Short Story
Nature’s Muse: Finding Inspiration through the Changing Seasons
with Elizabeth Winder
Galvanize your creative practice by deepening your connection to the natural world. Discover inspiration in the changing seasons, and generate fresh new writing.
Creative Nonfiction, Fiction, Lifestyle and Wellness, Memoir, Novel, Personal Essay, Poetry, Short Story
Show and Tell: How to Write Captivating Memoir and Nonfiction
with Brad Wetzler
Your true story of healing or transformation can captivate and empower your readers. Learn how to balance showing the vivid details of your own journey with telling the broader themes for readers to apply in their own lives.
Creative Nonfiction, Lifestyle and Wellness, Memoir, Personal Essay
April Courses
Writing Mindfulness: Sensual World/Poetry Mind
with Marc Olmsted
A four-week class, melding the language mind with the sensual: How to turn detailed observation into a poem. With Marc Olmsted.
September Courses
Writing Chronic Illness
with Margo Steines
Creative nonfiction offers a container for the sharing and exploration of illness. Tell the story of your body in this healing-oriented workshop.
Creative Nonfiction, Lifestyle and Wellness, Memoir, Personal Essay
Unscheduled Courses
*Private Class | Food Writing: Meals And Manuscripts
with Jennifer Billock
Do you love cookbooks, cooking, or reading anything about food? This food writing course is for you. With award winning writer Jennifer Billock.
*Private Class | Using Bullet Journaling to Achieve Writing Goals
with Rudri Patel
Looking to keep your writing goals organized? Make it happen in our bullet journaling course. Learn the art of the BuJo with Rudri Patel!
Creative Nonfiction, Fiction, Lifestyle and Wellness, Memoir, Novel, Personal Essay, Poetry, Short Story, Stage and Broadcast
*Private Class | Writing with Tarot
with Sandra Novack
Jump-start your creative juices, and explore a world of divination, symbolism, and imagery right at your fingertips: learn short story and novel writing through Tarot.
Creative Nonfiction, Fiction, Lifestyle and Wellness, Memoir, Novel, Personal Essay, Poetry, Short Story
A Writerly Life: Develop a Writing Routine that Works for You
with Shelby Hinte
What does a writer's life look like? Build a productive writing habit in this course for writers of all backgrounds.
Creative Nonfiction, Fiction, Lifestyle and Wellness, Memoir, Novel, Personal Essay, Poetry, Short Story
Ambient Grief: Writing the Alteration
with Jacinda Townsend
How do we write about moments of painful transition, or grief that the world doesn't recognize as grief? Turn ambient pain into powerful words in this transformational personal essay workshop.
Beginner’s Mind: A Mindful Approach to Personal Essays
with Susan Barr-Toman
Write true and meaningful personal essays with the tools of mindfulness. We'll discover new insights in our work as we center ourselves, confront our inner critics, and write mindfully.
Block Buster: Turbocharge Your Creativity with Breakneck Writing
with Gretchen Clark
Banish writer's block, unearth fresh ideas, and sharpen your storytelling ability with the practice of fast, timed writing.
Creative Nonfiction, Fiction, Lifestyle and Wellness, Memoir, Novel, Personal Essay, Short Story, Stage and Broadcast
Boost Your Imagination and Reap the Literary Rewards
with Giulietta Nardone
It happens to all of us: life gets in the way and our creativity falters. Get back on track with this four-week creativity boosting class!
Creative Nonfiction, Fiction, Lifestyle and Wellness, Memoir, Novel, Personal Essay, Short Story, Stage and Broadcast
Character Transformation Workshop: How to Write Stories that Emotionally Resonate
with Giulietta Nardone
Learn how to write emotionally resonant journeys that stick with the reader, using the power of character transformation.
Creative Nonfiction, Fiction, Lifestyle and Wellness, Memoir, Novel, Short Story, Stage and Broadcast
Comics for People Who Can’t Draw!
with Aubrey Hirsch
Can't draw? No problem! In this workshop, learn how to tell complete stories in publication-ready comics, no matter your artistic background.
Comics for People Who Can’t Draw!: The One-Day Workshop
with Aubrey Hirsch
Comic strip artists rely much more on creativity than on artistic skill. In this workshop, you'll learn all the tools you need to make fun and engaging comic strips—even if your drawing level is "stick figures."
Creating Narrative in Comics
with Aubrey Hirsch
Art and storytelling have a rich relationship to one another. Explore that relationship in this class on writing narrative comics. Open to all artistic skill levels!
Creative Nonfiction, Fiction, Lifestyle and Wellness, Personal Essay, Short Story
Creating the Visual Journal
with Lissa Jensen
Go beyond narrow definitions of “journaling" to include visual images and let writing give what is seen a new voice. Surprise yourself.
Creative Nonfiction, Lifestyle and Wellness, Memoir, Personal Essay
Creative Writing & Storytelling Techniques For Business Professionals
with Giulietta Nardone
Good writing helps business connect deeply with the clients they're hoping to work with. Learn how to hone the power of story in your professional career.
Death Riding Shotgun: How Awareness of Our Mortality Impacts Poetry
with Lisa C. Taylor
How can your own mortality inform your work? In this 6-week course, you'll use death to inspire and motivate your poetry writing.
Embodied Writing: Improve Your Writing with Full-Body Creativity
with Rosemary Tantra Bensko
Have a grand time with specific physical exercises that honor your health, generate imaginative ideas, explore deeply and make your creative writing entertaining.
Creative Nonfiction, Fiction, Lifestyle and Wellness, Memoir, Novel, Personal Essay, Poetry, Short Story, Stage and Broadcast
Embodied Writing: Somatic Practices to Improve Your Work
with Rosemary Tantra Bensko
Have a grand time with specific physical exercises that honor your health, generate imaginative ideas, explore deeply and make your creative writing entertaining.
Creative Nonfiction, Fiction, Lifestyle and Wellness, Memoir, Novel, Personal Essay, Poetry, Short Story, Stage and Broadcast
Fall (Back) In Love with Poetry
with Moriel Rothman-Zecher
Whether you're new to poetry or returning after a hiatus, rekindle the spark that puts verse to page in this exploratory poetry class.
Filling the Blank Page: How to Move through Creative Blocks
with Shelby Hinte
Discover proven techniques to get writing! Find the root causes of mental blocks, and learn practical tools to lead a consistently creative life.
Creative Nonfiction, Fiction, Lifestyle and Wellness, Live Workshop, Poetry
Finding Confidence and Motivation in Your Writing
with Sarah Aronson
Liberate yourself from imposter syndrome and the inner critic, and discover confidence in every stage of the writing process.
Creative Nonfiction, Fiction, Lifestyle and Wellness, Live Workshop, Memoir, Novel, Personal Essay, Short Story
Finding Inspiration in Dreams
with Amy Bonnaffons
Our dreams are fertile fields of inspiration, meaning, and creativity. Learn how to use your dreams as doorways to future writing.
Creative Nonfiction, Fiction, Lifestyle and Wellness, Memoir, Novel, Personal Essay, Poetry, Short Story
Finish Your Manuscript: Next-Level Picture Book Mentorship
with Kelly Bingham
During this six week program, you will work closely one-on-one with Kelly to finalize, refine, and polish your picture book into a manuscript ready to submit for publication or representation.
Food Writing: Food-Focused Memoir
with Jennifer Billock
The food we eat and enjoy tells volumes about our lives and experiences. Write it all down in this food memoir course, with Jennifer Billock.
Creative Nonfiction, Lifestyle and Wellness, Memoir, Personal Essay
Food Writing: Meals And Manuscripts
with Jennifer Billock
Do you love cookbooks, cooking, or reading anything about food? This food writing course is for you. With award winning writer Jennifer Billock.
From the Source: Journaling for Self-Knowledge and Creativity
with Amy Bonnaffons
Journal to discover yourself, find a wellspring of creativity, and produce publication-ready pieces.
Creative Nonfiction, Fiction, Lifestyle and Wellness, Memoir, Novel, Personal Essay, Poetry, Short Story, Stage and Broadcast
From Writing Circle to Finished Poem: Turn Raw Writing into Poetry
with Susan Vespoli
Course full. Contact us to join waitlist.
Text and Live VideoGather together in a virtual writing circle, hit the mute button on your internal editor, and uncover inspiration to shape into poetry.
From Writing Circle to Poems in 6 Contemporary Forms
with Susan Vespoli
From the sonnet to the villanelle, turn your journal entries into formal poetry in this 6 week writing circle workshop.
From Writing Circle to Poems of Kindness, Wonder, Connection & Joy
with Susan Vespoli
Only 2 seats left!
Text and Live VideoExplore the power of joy, kindness, and community in this four week poetry workshop.
From Writing Circles to Poems of Gratitude & Hope for the New Year
with Susan Vespoli
Only 1 seat left!
Text and Live VideoWant to move forward into the new year with gratefulness and clarity for 2024? Join us for 4 weeks of writing about gratitude and hope.
From Writing Circles to Poems of Gratitude and Hope
with Susan Vespoli
Poetry is a powerful method for healing and happiness. Write poems about gratitude and hope in our intimate, live-video writing circles, with instructor Susan Vespoli.
Fundamentals of Travel Writing
with Jennifer Billock
Take to the skies in this online travel writing course. We'll discuss the market, different types of travel writing, and pitching your piece!
Get Back Into Writing
with Amanda Oliver
Learn how to pick your writing back up—and stick with it.
Creative Nonfiction, Fiction, Lifestyle and Wellness, Live Workshop, Memoir, Novel, Personal Essay, Poetry, Short Story
Get Back to That Book
with Donna Levin
For any number of reasons, the book we want to write gets waylaid. Get back to it in this motivational two part workshop.
Creative Nonfiction, Fiction, Lifestyle and Wellness, Memoir, Novel
Get Clear on Your Story and Voice
with Nadia Colburn
What is your story about? What is your voice? Whether you write poetry, fiction, or nonfiction, hone your writing in this 3 hour workshop.
Creative Nonfiction, Fiction, Lifestyle and Wellness, Live Workshop, Memoir, Novel, Personal Essay, Poetry, Short Story
Get It Done: Create the Scaffolding to Start (and Finish) a Writing Project
with Eman Quotah
Get your butt in the chair, your mind roaming freely, and your creative juices flowing in this motivational, all-genres writing class.
Creative Nonfiction, Fiction, Lifestyle and Wellness, Live Workshop, Memoir, Novel, Personal Essay, Poetry, Short Story, Stage and Broadcast
Get Your Book Done Intensive! 4 Weeks to Measurable Progress
with Giulietta Nardone
The summer is the best time to get the ball rolling on your book. Join us if you really want to get your book into the world.
Creative Nonfiction, Fiction, Lifestyle and Wellness, Memoir, Novel, Short Story, Stage and Broadcast
How To Start A Blog
with Jessica Festa
Create your blog, brand it, create engaging content and successfully promote posts. Taught by journalist, writer and photographer Jessica Festa.
How To Start A Blog, Grow An Audience & Make Money
with Jessica Festa
When planned right, a blog allows you to share your passion and make money in the process. Learn how to start a blog in this one-day webinar.
Creative Nonfiction, Lifestyle and Wellness, Live Workshop, Personal Essay
How to Start a Podcast
with Cara Stevens
Share your voice with the world! Learn everything you need to plan, record, and share your first podcast episode and beyond.
Creative Nonfiction, Fiction, Lifestyle and Wellness, Live Workshop, Memoir, Novel, Personal Essay, Poetry, Short Story, Stage and Broadcast
How To Turn Your Blog Into A Career
with Jessica Festa
From branding to search engine optimization and advertising, this course puts bloggers on the path to earning an income through their blog.
Humor Is The New Black!
with Giulietta Nardone
Ready to add a splash of fun to your writing life? Join us for a four-week humor writing class. We’ll read. We’ll laugh. We’ll write. We’ll experiment.
Creative Nonfiction, Fiction, Lifestyle and Wellness, Memoir, Novel, Short Story, Stage and Broadcast
I’ve Drunk Your Poisoned Nectar: Writing with the Goddess
with Shankar Narayan
Dig deep into the rich mythology of South Asian goddesses to find new inspiration for your work in this generative, open-genre writing class.
Creative Nonfiction, Fiction, Lifestyle and Wellness, Memoir, Novel, Personal Essay, Poetry, Short Story
In Bloom: Nature Writing Workshop
with Dana De Greff
Only 3 seats left!
Text and Live VideoWant to write about nature like Robert Frost, Henry David Thoreau, or Annie Dillard? Join us for this six-week nature writing course.
Creative Nonfiction, Fiction, Lifestyle and Wellness, Personal Essay, Poetry, Short Story
Long Night’s Journey into Day: Writing Poetry Through and About Serious Illness
with Caryn Mirriam-Goldberg
Poetry can help us integrate and learn from our experiences as patients, survivors, and/or caregivers. Join a supportive community, explore poetic and healing traditions, and spark powerful poems into being.
Make Art/Poetry in the Face of Change
with Susan Vespoli
In a time of change, uncertainty, and shift, we need the art of poetry more than ever. For the next 3 weeks, we'll write poetry that connects us to each other and helps us witness change.
Manuscript Review for Children’s Writers: Summer Edition
with Sarah Aronson
Instructor Sarah Aronson welcomes all writers who are working on manuscripts for kids and teens. This advanced workshop will focus entirely on the participants' own work in progress.
Move Your Writing Forward: The Art of the Bullet Journal
with Rudri Patel
Want to have a productive new year? Set up your bullet journal in this one day live workshop.
Overcome Writing Anxiety: Boost Your Storytelling Confidence in Four Short Weeks!
with Giulietta Nardone
"Who are you to want to write?" Someone great, that's who! Politely ask Mr. or Ms. Fear to step aside while you sign up for this fun, freeing and functional adventure.
Creative Nonfiction, Fiction, Lifestyle and Wellness, Memoir, Novel, Personal Essay, Short Story, Stage and Broadcast
Poetry as Sacred Attention
with Nadia Colburn
Poetry asks us to slow down, listen, and pay attention. In this meditative workshop, we'll open ourselves to the beauty and mystery of poetry.
Secrets & Confessions: Writing Deeply Personal Nonfiction
with Margo Steines
In this fully anonymous class, we will write and share the secrets we hold closest to our chests, and turn those secrets into compelling creative nonfiction.
Creative Nonfiction, Lifestyle and Wellness, Memoir, Personal Essay
Simple Summer Writing Circles
with Susan Vespoli
Sail through the summer and survive the heat with these chill writing circles, where you'll laugh, vent, and honor the season in poetry.
Simple Winter Writing Circles
with Susan Vespoli
Write your way to the finish line of 2024: let go of and say goodbye to a momentous year, honor the changes in yourself and the world, and set your intentions for a new chapter.
Sing the Body Electric: Poetry of the Body
with Andrea Jurjević
The human body is a continuous source of inspiration for poetry. Embody the poetic in this electric workshop.
Start Your Writing Journey!
with Joy Roulier Sawyer
Launch yourself into writing: discover your unique voice, write 5 to 10 new pieces, and build and sustain a writing life.
Creative Nonfiction, Fiction, Lifestyle and Wellness, Memoir, Novel, Personal Essay, Poetry, Short Story, Stage and Broadcast
Style and Sense: Bring Your Writing to Life
with John Gottberg Anderson
How do we transport our readers to vivid worlds? In this course, learn the skills that evoke the senses and bring your writing to life.
Telling Truth: A Poetry Workshop
with Ollie Schminkey
Learn how to tell your story and write a mini chapbook of poems in this truth-driven poetry workshop.
Telling Your Food Story
with Hannah Howard
Let's write at the kitchen table together, as we explore using food as a lens to tell our stories.
The Heart Remembers: Writing About Loss
with Charlotte Maya
How can we organize grief and loss into language? Honor your feelings and write moving essays in this heart-centered creative nonfiction class.
The Spirituality of Poetry
with Joy Roulier Sawyer
Let the spirit of language move through you. In this 6 week course, we will study, write, and share poetry about the sacredness of human experience.
The Wandering Heart: Tales of Connection
with Giulietta Nardone
Wander through the rooms of your own life to discover stories of deep connection, reconnection or loss of connection and fashion your findings into stories suitable for blog posts, essays, short memoirs, short plays, scenes in screenplays, or chapters of novels.
Using Bullet Journaling to Achieve Writing Goals
with Rudri Patel
Looking to keep your writing goals organized? Make it happen in our bullet journaling course. Learn the art of the BuJo with Rudri Patel!
Creative Nonfiction, Fiction, Lifestyle and Wellness, Poetry
Where the Diary Ends and the Essay Begins
with Shelby Hinte
Start a diary practice and turn it into a mode of writing personal essays in this generative journaling workshop.
Write Again: Returning to the Page
with Amanda Oliver
Rediscover your writing and voice. Write new pieces, connect in community, and leave with a clear path forward.
Creative Nonfiction, Fiction, Lifestyle and Wellness, Memoir, Novel, Personal Essay, Short Story
Write from the Untamed Mind: Find Your Voice
with Susan Vespoli
Join Susan in two writing circles each week: intimate spaces for writers to free-write together, saying yes to whatever shows up, followed by group read-arounds. These writing sessions are spontaneous, intimate, freeing, and transformative.
Creative Nonfiction, Fiction, Lifestyle and Wellness, Personal Essay, Poetry, Short Story
Write Your World: Express Your Creativity through Article Writing, Blogging, and Essays
with Rudri Patel
Want to write your world, your way? Join us for this six-week program on article writing, blogging, and essays.
Writing Circle Workshop: A Focus on Nine Contemporary Poets
with Susan Vespoli
Write freely and expressively in this 8-week poetry workshop. Along the way, we'll explore the transformative work of 9 contemporary poets.
Writing Circle Workshop: A Focus on Six Contemporary Poets
with Susan Vespoli
By studying the poems of Mary Oliver, Diane Seuss, Matthew Olzmann, and Patricia Smith, and more, write stunning poetry in this generative writing circle workshop.
Writing Circle Workshop: Finding Community and Creativity in a Challenging Time
with Susan Vespoli
Write out the storm: Join supportive, friendly faces in twice-weekly virtual community writing circles.
Writing Circle Workshop: Writing for Happiness, Healing, and Health (Monday/Friday)
with Susan Vespoli
Course full. Contact us to join waitlist.
Text and Live VideoExpressive writing can be a powerful elixir for what ails you. Learn and practice tools for writing expressively, including two virtual writing circles each week, turn raw writing into poetry or prose, and come away with a better understanding of how writing can lead toward wellness.
Creative Nonfiction, Fiction, Lifestyle and Wellness, Memoir, Personal Essay, Poetry, Short Story
Writing Circles: Finding Community, Clarity, Poetry, and Prose
with Susan Vespoli
Join our writing circle to form a writing community, find clarity in your words, and turn your untamed free-writes into poetry and/or prose.
Writing Our Grief: How to Channel Loss into Creative Expression
with Rudri Patel
Writing about grief is a powerful healing tool. Turn pain into power in this personal essay course, with instructor Rudri Patel.
Creative Nonfiction, Lifestyle and Wellness, Memoir, Personal Essay
Writing with Tarot
with Sandra Novack
Jump-start your creative juices, and explore a world of divination, symbolism, and imagery right at your fingertips: learn short story and novel writing through Tarot.