Community Highlights

Susan Vespoli Publishes “Self Portrait as Mother in Chapters” in Gyroscope Review

January 20, 2023

Congratulations to Susan Vespoli, whose poem “Self Portrait as Mother in Chapters” was published in Gyroscope Review. Read it here. 

Barbara Henning’s “Ferne: A Detroit Story” Listed as a Michigan Notable Book of 2023

January 9, 2023

Congratulations to instructor Barbara Henning, whose book Ferne: A Detroit Story was listed in the Michigan Notable Books 2023 list. 

Tina Barry Publishes “The Little I Remember”

January 4, 2023

Congratulations to Tina Barry, whose poem “The Little I Remember” was featured in Rattle, then reposted by Verse Daily. Read it here.

Susan Vespoli Publishes “I want to focus on light,” in Plum Tree Review

January 2, 2023

Congratulations to Susan Vespoli, whose poem “I want to focus on light,” was published in Plum Tree Review. Read it here!

Susan Vespoli Publishes “Dear 2022” in New Verse News

December 28, 2022

Congratulations to Susan Vespoli, whose poem “Dear 2022” was published in New Verse News. Read it here.

Two Publications by Rudri Patel’s Students

December 21, 2022

Congratulations to Lisa Braxton and Leena Trivedi-Grenier, two students of Rudri Patel’s who both have exciting publications.

Lisa’s piece, called “Our Messes,” was published in The New York Times. Read it here. 

Leena Trivedi-Grenier’s piece, called “Racism Caused Early Graying. Now I Turn It Into Hair Art.”, was published in The Cut. Read it here.

Congratulations to all!

Susan Vespoli Publishes “3 Sonnets from Adam’s Text Messages from 2020 to Day He Died – March 12, 2022” in Anti-Heroin Chic

December 9, 2022

Congratulations to instructor Susan Vespoli, whose “3 Sonnets from Adam’s Text Messages from 2020 to Day He Died – March 12, 2022” were published in Anti-Heroin Chic. 

Liz Mayers Receives Pushcart Nomination

December 5, 2022

Congratulations to Liz Mayers, whose 50 word story “Adopting Catherine” was nominated for the Pushcart Prize by Blink-Ink. Liz credits her courses with Giulietta Nardone and Barbara Henning for bringing out words she didn’t know she had. 

Is there a milestone in your writing that you'd like us to highlight? We'd love to hear about it!

Community Journal

Read poetry, fiction, and essays from our community members in the Community Journal. New issues published regularly.

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Ebook: Character Development: From Fundamentals to Flesh and Bone

Ebook: Writing With Confidence

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Publication Opportunities

guts publishing

Guts Publishing Open Submissions

UK-based Guts Publishing is seeking memoirs, autobiographies, autobiographical fiction, and other creative nonfiction work. Their preferences include work about art, music, travel, and cyber life, but all topics are welcome. Emerging and experimental writers are encouraged to apply. 

fabula press

Aestas Short Story Contest 2021

Fabula Press recently announced its 2021 short story competition, open to writers around the globe. Fiction writers are encouraged to submit a story of 2,000-6,000 words, and the winning story will be awarded US$500. See more details and apply below. 

eat darling eat

Submit to Eat, Darling, Eat

Do you write about mother-daughter relationships? Eat, Darling, Eat explores the cultural intersections of mother/daughterhood, and it’s currently open for 500 word submissions. Take a look at their many wonderful stories, and let us know if you submit your own work!

Clerestory Magazine

Open for Submissions: Clerestory Magazine

Clerestory Magazine, a journal dedicated to spirituality and the human experience, is currently open for submissions. Each publication centers around a certain theme of the human narrative; its current issue concerns Faith, and future issues are planned for Community, Ecology, etc. Stories should be first pitched via Clerestory’s website; all published works receive adequate payment. Take a look at their mission and submissions page!

pensive journal of spirituality

Pensive: A Global Journal of Spirituality and the Arts

Pensive: A Global Journal of Spirituality and the Arts seeks spiritual fiction, nonfiction, and poetry for their biannual publication. Based out of Northeastern University, Pensive seeks to broaden its readers’ understanding of the human spirit: its depth, endlessness, and timeless relationship to the arts. Check out their submission page for more information. 

moxy magazine

Open for Submissions: Moxy Magazine

Moxy Magazine is currently open for submissions. The journal seeks content related to creative nonfiction, including personal essays, critical theory, and travel writing. All submissions must conform to standard British English, and submissions will be reviewed within 3-4 weeks. Take a look at this great CNF project in the U.K.!

poets and writers

Project Grants for BIPOC Writers – Poets & Writers

Poets & Writers is offering grants to writers living in Detroit, Houston, or New Orleans. Writers must be black, indigenous, or people of color (BIPOC) and have a writing project that requires external funding. These grants will primarily support online literary events and communities; see more details at their website. Applications are due September 30th!

something or other publishing

Short Story Competition – Something Or Other Publishing

Something Or Other Publishing has just announced their first annual short story contest. Writers can submit works of flash fiction, literary fiction, or nonfiction in 25 different categories, and all submitted works will be reviewed by both guest judges and public readers. Winners of this exciting competition will receive both cash prizes and an exclusive publishing opportunity from Something Or Other Publishing. Submit your work by October 10th!

Recent Student Testimonials

Janice Cafaro — Death Riding Shotgun

Lisa’s readings helped me explore this genre and also examine my own mortality and that of my beloved family members. Her discussions and writing projects further helped me explore the multi-faceted layers of mortality as expressed in the unique voices of the poetry we studied.  Lisa’s class offers an excellent foundation into existential poetry, and I will continue to explore the genre and the writers she exposed us too. Thank you for everything!

Emilia Fenton — Writing Chronic Illness

Margo showed extreme care and knowledge in planning and leading the course. She offered participants a safe container in which to explore stories of chronic illness under her confident and sensitive guidance. She’s a wonderful instructor and I would take a class with her again without hesitation.

Patti Croop — Poetry II

Rosemary is an inspired teacher. Her feedback is kind, thorough, and given with such enthusiasm that I found myself immediately wanting to improve my poems. She instilled in me a love for that process, that hard work. She also encouraged me to release the wild in my poetry, resulting in a huge shift in my writing and releasing a great joy in my life.

Emma Llewelyn — The Lyric Essay: Invitation to Play

Elizabeth Winder is a wonderful teacher, supportive, perceptive, responsive and generous with her time and experience. The joy and breadth of possibility within the lyric essay and Elizabeth’s teaching approach has freed me as a writer to follow my truth with courage.

Davinia Roberts — From Memory

this was my first writing workshop and it far exceeded my expectations. Chin-Sun Lee is an extraordinary instructor, cultivating a Zoom-based environment that felt welcoming and supportive, no matter your experience level. Her ability to engage, inspire and offer perspective is truly a gift. I’m leaving this four-week course with an overwhelming sense of inspiration, new techniques, and excited to expand on the pieces I developed. This class has reignited my passion for writing, and I cannot wait to continue.

Larry Dembski — Telling Truth

Ollie’s instruction and feedback was extremely constructive & motivating. They created a compassionate and creative environment with their philosophy, “Don’t be afraid to be bad”! They addressed individual questions in depth without losing track of the classes’ focus, and their editing tips were always very specific and helpful.

Janice Scudder — Warp and Weft

Anna worked her magic and turned us into a true writer’s community. Anna brought something fresh, lively, and challenging to each session: a new way of reading, of writing, of listening, and giving feedback.

Janice Apicella — Both Fish and Fowl

Anna is wonderful teacher and exceptional poet. Patient, kind, and informative, she cultivates the best in each poet, helping them on their journey. Besides her insightful critiques, her class discussions are educational, informative, and enjoyable. She imbues each discussion with her enthusiasm and love of poetry. Courses Starting Soon:

Next-Level Creative Nonfiction: Elevating Essays, Memoir, Travel Writing & Literary Journalism

August 15, 2014

Elevate your memoir, travel writing, literary journalism, & lyric and personal essays.

The Ongoing Fiction Workshop

November 10, 2014

Many students have attended this 10-week online fiction workshop with Shelley Singer multiple times, completed novels, and come back to finish more books.

Claiming Our Stories: Autobiography, Memoir & Autobiographical Fiction

November 12, 2014

Turn your experience into fiction, autobiography, or creative memoir. Bring forward stories with a powerful truth at their core. Instructor Anya Achtenberg.

Creative Nonfiction and the Personal Essay

November 12, 2014

Gretchen Clark pick axes her way into the volcanic marriage of real life and fiction. Weekly writing with incisive feedback.

Poetic Prose: The Prose Poem

November 17, 2014

Explore the border between prose poetry and flash fiction. For writers of fiction, poetry, essay and memoir.