The medical and media establishments dismissed it as superstition. At first Vivian sided with them, but then the Gates chip implanted during her second covid shot started kicking in.
Before the injection, Vivian’s nurse warned she might experience fever, fatigue or rashes. But her body felt something else entirely. Head to toe, it fell into a deep cleansing experience. A flushing sensation that had nothing to do with feeling feverish. More like a celebration of well-being singing its way outward from her flesh, organs and blood vessels. “Whoosh, all gone! All clear! Perfectly healthy!”
Vivian’s pre-vaccinated body had never known such self-confidence. Memories of its past injuries, illnesses and risk factors were being vacuumed up at a cellular level. Every hour wasted on incompetent clinicians and their faulty diagnoses was sucked out of her memory. With no medical history, Vivian and her body were at peace with their future.
His ego betraying him yet again, Bill G. left a thank you note at the entrance to the medical memory void the chip had left in Vivian’s body. The note assured her her data, memories and medical history would be anonymized and aggregated with data from millions of other Moderna patients. In the event covid did trouble her again, Bill had left a tiny monitoring component to keep updating him on her status.
Vivian still grins when she imagines how surprised Bill must have been when she replied. Posing as a grateful citizen, all she had to do was fake an hour of covid anxiety. He clicked on the link she’d enclosed, and a back door to his top secret vaccine lab flew open.
Pfizer taught her these and other corporate espionage tricks when she agreed to serve as their double agent.